Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Blog Post #5: Twilight

Stephanie Meyer
Chapters 6-7

Twilight is still continuing to get better. More exciting events are occurring and things are changing. One thing that I’m happy about in the book is that the sun is actually coming out in Forks for some of the first times since Bella has been there. The sun makes Bella have better moods, which makes it more enjoyable for the reader. I am very curious about Edward Cullen though. Ever since Bella was told the myth of the vampires on the beach by Jacob Black. The description seems to fit his character but we will just have to see. I wonder what Bella will act normal around him now that she thinks that he is a vampire. I wonder if she actually will just give up on him or get herself into more danger. If I were she, I would stay away or I would have trouble believing that he actually is a vampire. There is no proof of it yet, other than what Bella had read. I also might feel differently about my attractions to him and letting him go so easily because I’m not actually Bella and really know him as a person. I also am really curious to know if Edward will return to school soon and he will go on the road trip with Bella. If he does I really want to know what will happen and if he will turn into a vampire. If he is one for sure, it explains all of the confusion about his eyes changing colors, and being able to save Bella’s life. It also is ironic how he chooses to skip biology class the day that they are pricking blood. Everything is starting to slowly come together and make sense. I can’t wait to keep reading and see how everything turns out.

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