Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Blog Post #3: Twilight

Stephanie Meyer
Chapters 2-3

Twilight had started to become more intense and suspenseful. After Bella hit her head, I have started to wonder what is up with Edward Cullen. From reading what happened Bella obviously saw that Edward wasn’t there at the time. I just don’t get why he can just lie to her face like that when she knows what she saw. Tyler also noticed that Edward wasn’t at the scene before either. I wish that Edward would just confess to Bella what happened because she is already suspicious and knows that something is up. I also think that Edward should be able to trust Bella because if you think about it, who would she actually tell Edward’s secret to? What bugs me the most is not only that Edward won’t reveal his secret, but also that he is being a jerk about it and acting as if nothing ever happened. I am also curious about the first day of school though when Edward was being really mean to Bella but then finally returns to school and is really sweet to her. It just seems to me like two totally different people so that is kind of another hint of something that is going on that we don’t really know about. I also wonder about his eyes and how they changed colors. Again, it is something to add to the list to be suspicious about. If I were Bella I would try to get to know Edward better so that she becomes friends with him and he might spill his secret. I feel that if we find out his secret that will explain all of the weird things that have happened.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Blog Post #2: Twilight

Stephanie Meyer
Chapter 1

Twilight has been a very interesting and intriguing book so far. It is about Bella Swan moving from Phoenix, AZ to Forks, WA to live with her dad. She hates it in Forks but decides to go and give it a chance. So Bella goes to Forks, her dad buys her a truck and she starts school the next day. When she started school, I could totally relate because I moved here from OH in fourth grade and I was the new kid too. She was going through the same thing as I on her first day but people were very nice to her and she didn’t have trouble finding a place to sit at lunch. There were classmates of hers that were offering to walk her to class and just welcomed her with open arms. My first day experience was a little bit different because I was in elementary school when I moved and she was in high school so I had a homeroom and the class stayed together all day. During Bella’s first day of school she noticed a group of flawless looking people at lunch. She couldn’t stop staring at a boy named Edward Cullen but when he saw her he just glared at her back. She happened to have the next hour with him and was told to sit right next to him. The whole time he just gave her the evil eye and she became a little worried. I feel bad for Bella and her somewhat rough first day of school. I’m just happy that mine didn’t turn out quite like hers did.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Blog #1: College Applicant's, Beware: Your Facebook Page is Showing

Wall Street Journal September 18, 2008 College Applicants, Beware: Your Facebook Page is Showing
By John Hechinger

The article that I chose to write about was about Facebook and how colleges are able to access it. When applying for colleges is Facebook something you want the admissions offices to be looking at? Personally, I wouldn’t want them looking at mine and learning a lot about my personal life, but who would? I can see the side that the colleges are coming form though. I think for them Facebook is a way that you can really see what the person is like and actually does in their free time. There are many things on people’s profiles that you can learn about the person and for colleges that can learn more about you from you Facebook whether you like it or not. If you have one bad picture on Facebook though you might not be accepted and for me, I don’t think that it’s very fair. Just because you make one mistake in high school and colleges find out about it through your Facebook you aren’t able to get into that college. I guess Facebook might also help you as well, if it shows what you do in your free time, like extra curricular activities or things that don’t include drinking, drugs, and other illegal activities. Personally, I think I want to delete my Facebook when I start applying for colleges because I don’t want them being that close to my personal life and I don’t want to have anything in there that I might have forgotten about that the colleges could use against me.



Monday, September 15, 2008


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