Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Blog Post #2: Twilight

Stephanie Meyer
Chapter 1

Twilight has been a very interesting and intriguing book so far. It is about Bella Swan moving from Phoenix, AZ to Forks, WA to live with her dad. She hates it in Forks but decides to go and give it a chance. So Bella goes to Forks, her dad buys her a truck and she starts school the next day. When she started school, I could totally relate because I moved here from OH in fourth grade and I was the new kid too. She was going through the same thing as I on her first day but people were very nice to her and she didn’t have trouble finding a place to sit at lunch. There were classmates of hers that were offering to walk her to class and just welcomed her with open arms. My first day experience was a little bit different because I was in elementary school when I moved and she was in high school so I had a homeroom and the class stayed together all day. During Bella’s first day of school she noticed a group of flawless looking people at lunch. She couldn’t stop staring at a boy named Edward Cullen but when he saw her he just glared at her back. She happened to have the next hour with him and was told to sit right next to him. The whole time he just gave her the evil eye and she became a little worried. I feel bad for Bella and her somewhat rough first day of school. I’m just happy that mine didn’t turn out quite like hers did.

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